I can't donate! Why?

Support Team -

Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. 

There could be a few reasons why the donation was unsuccessful:

1. Weak internet connection - Ensure you have a stable internet connection when you are making the donation
2. Insufficient funds - Ensure you have sufficient funds in your bank account
3. Card limit is too low - Check with your bank to increase the limit
4. Cards without 3D-secure authentication feature - Check with your bank if your card has the feature
5. Incorrect credentials - Ensure you have keyed in the correct card/bank account number and personal information
6. Non-Visa or Mastercard Cards - We only accept Visa of Mastercard for now

If everything mentioned above works fine, please try donating again or send us a Support Ticket via our Helpdesk or email hello@simplygiving.com with the following information:

1. Name
2. Email Address
3. Chosen Beneficiary
4. Link to Fundraising Page
5. Amount 

We will be in touch thereafter. 

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